Pre-K Program
Establishing strong foundations in preparation
for future learning.
While maintaining our play-based philosophy, our Pre-K program includes additional training for future learning such as formal handwriting, phonemic awareness, and elementary-level subjects (math, science, social studies, art and music). Students work in pairs, small groups, and one-on-one with instructors to develop appropriate interpersonal and academic skills. All students have opportunities for above-level work based on their motivation, maturity, and readiness level.

Health & Safety
Daily sanitation of toys and other classroom materials
Regular disinfection of high-touch surfaces
Regular health screenings of children and teachers
CPR and First Aid certified staff
Medication trained staff

Program Goals
We will help the children:
Develop independence and self-confidence
Learn to follow directions
Cooperate in groups
Problem solve with logic and intuition
Feel comfortable and nurtured in their environment
Practice gross and fine motor skills
Advanced skills in the following areas:
Reading readiness, presented through an integrated curriculum
Concrete and abstract math concepts and operations
Language arts (auditory and visual perception, oral expression, vocabulary development, reading readiness and beginning reading preparation
Social Studies
Expressive language
Motor development
Music and fine arts
Program Details


We believe that:
Instruction that includes a balance among conceptual and understanding, connections to prior knowledge, skill proficiency, and problem-solving experiences best develops children’s moth literacy
Instruction that includes hands-on activities to develop concepts helps children engage in meaningful practice
Children learn best when they understand what they are learning and why they are learning it
Reasoning about math, rather than memorizing rules, helps children make sense of math practice is a necessary component of learning skills
We will encourage the children to develop a basic understanding of the following areas:
Sorting and classifying
Patterns and movement
Matching and counting
Numbers recognition 0 – 20
Ordinal numbers

Many science areas we explore are integrated with our reading and math programs rather than taught in isolation. Therefore, we include several brief science topics for each letter introduced. For example, the letter “Aa’ may consist of studying the concepts of absorption, air, astronauts, animals, etc.
Example units of Study

Reading Readiness
The children will participate in pre-writing exercises and formal writing activities.
Children Dictate:
Experience stories
Labels, captions, etc.
Titles for pictures
Stories to accompany a picture
Recording of observations
Letter identification (upper and lowercase)
Sound-symbol association
Development of a beginning sight word vocabulary
Counting words in a sentence
Counting syllables
Beginning to understand punctuation
Sentence structure
Beginning and ending sounds
Introduce word families
We encourage the development of the creative arts as a means of expression along with language. To explore a variety of art media while enjoying the possibilities of the various skills and techniques to develop their creativity. The children will participate in teacher/pupil discussion, observing, and drawing conclusions.

Pre-K Daily Schedule